We work in Development, Construction Services Consulting, Construction Management, and as a turnkey EPC on our projects.
Below are a number of projects meant to illustrate the breadth of our roles and scale of our work. If you have any questions about these projects or would like to hear more about how we continue to set new standards for wind power developments, please do contact us.
Bug Tussle Wind Ranch
A project that has secured land and permits to build and operate a first class wind power facility to provide 60Hz 345kV electricity to the Texas wholesale electricity market
Peñasco Ventoso
Project in development to incorporate Chile’s first voluntary dark skies aviation lighting system to minimize neighbor impacts. Site designed to minimize impact on property forestry uses.
La Chalupa
Optimized project layout to provide to preserve irrigated farming land uses. Over 100 leases and easements with 300+ individuals incorporated into real estate program for the project.
Salt Fork Wind Ranch®
Coordinated design of split ownership substation between transmission company and project. Implemented real time meteorological data into crane lift work using onsite towers.
Palmas Altas Wind Farm
Employed 170 people at the peak of construction – now completed a 10-person operations team will staff the wind farm over its 25-year life span.
Roadrunner Solar
As of February 2020, largest solar facility in Texas. Will generate 60 million in property taxes over the next 30 years.
Spinning Spur Three Wind Ranch®
Powers approx. 58,200 homes. Avoids 560,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. Developed as built records tracking system for client.
Spinning Spur Two Wind Ranch®
Energy for approximately 56,000 households per year. Energy delivered to ERCOT through shared transmission facilities.
Spinning Spur Wind Ranch®
Energy delivered to SPP through shared transmission facilities.

Peñasco Ventoso
Selected ProjectsProject in development to incorporate Chile’s first voluntary dark skies aviation lighting system to minimize neighbor impacts. Site designed to minimize impact on property forestry uses.

La Chalupa
Selected ProjectsOptimized project layout to provide to preserve irrigated farming land uses. Over 100 leases and easements with 300+ individuals incorporated into real estate program for the project.

Salt Fork Wind Ranch®
Selected ProjectsCoordinated design of split ownership substation between transmission company and project. Implemented real time meteorological data into crane lift work using onsite towers.

Palmas Altas Wind Farm
Selected ProjectsEmployed 170 people at the peak of construction – now completed a 10-person operations team will staff the wind farm over its 25-year life span.

Roadrunner Solar
Selected ProjectsAs of February 2020, largest solar facility in Texas. Will generate 60 million in property taxes over the next 30 years.

Spinning Spur Three Wind Ranch®
Selected ProjectsPowers approx. 58,200 homes. Avoids 560,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. Developed as built records tracking system for client.

Spinning Spur Two Wind Ranch®
Selected ProjectsEnergy for approximately 56,000 households per year. Energy delivered to ERCOT through shared transmission facilities.

Spinning Spur Wind Ranch®
Selected ProjectsEnergy delivered to SPP through shared transmission facilities.
Golden Spread Panhandle Wind Ranch®
Provides energy for approximately 27,000 households per year.
Wildorado Wind Ranch®
Wildorado Wind Ranch® is Edison Mission Group’s first wind project in Texas.
Goat Mountain Wind Ranch®
Goat Mountain is Edison Mission Group’s second wind project in Texas. Goat Mountain will be Edison Mission Group’s first wind project in the ERCOT market.
Caprock Wind Ranch®
Second largest project in New Mexico, began construction before the extension of the PTC’s. Utilized Industrial Revenue Bonds to bring large savings to the project.
Brazos Wind Ranch® at Fluvanna
Construction completed in less than 5 months to qualify for PTCs. 35-mile transmission corridor was built by Texas Wind Power. Cielo Wind acquired the necessary real estate.
Llano Estacado Wind Ranch® at White Deer
First large scale wind power project in the Texas Panhandle. Completed in abbreviated frame to qualify for PTCs. Southwestern Public Service’s first large-scale wind project.
Woodward Mountain Wind Ranch®
Largest project in the US at the time project was announced. Negotiated land rights for the project in competition with Enron. Cielo Wind Power was successful in negotiations over Enron due to their experience and excellent landowner relations.
Hueco Mountain Wind Ranch® at El Paso
The first renewable facility certified as a Renewable Energy Credit Generator by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. The produces approximately 4,000 Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) each year.
King Mountain Wind Ranch®
Largest global project upon completion. First large scale project in U.S. using Bonus turbines.
Llano Estacado Wind Ranch® at Texico
First commercial wind facility in New Mexico.
Southwest Mesa Wind Ranch®
Cielo Wind maintains communications with landowners, county officials and local contractors who participated in the project.
GE Meteorological Towers
Turn-key wind turbine prototype testing including Site Calibration and wind turbine Power Curve Performance Testing.
Hereford Wind Farm
Project construction management for wind farm in Dead Smith County, Texas.
Roosevelt Wind Farm
Project construction management for wind farm in Roosevelt County, New Mexico.
Milo Wind Farm
Project construction management for wind farm in Roosevelt County, New Mexico.
Great Western Wind Farm
Project construction management for wind farm in Ellis County and Woodward County, Oklahoma.
For over 25 years, we have had a singular focus on building and operating quality wind power projects that respect land owners, minimize impact on the environment, and maximize wins for the community.
In 1998 when developing our first utility scale wind project in Texas, the wind industry standard was bull dozing sensitive range land that would take generations to heal…