Megawatts Developed
Wind Turbines Installed
$4 Billion
Capitalized In Projects
Landowners Served
Years In Business
Our expertise is in creating long-term relationships with investors, landowners, communities, utility companies, and turbine manufacturers.

Peñasco Ventoso
Project in development to incorporate Chile’s first voluntary dark skies aviation lighting system to minimize neighbor impacts. Site designed to minimize impact on property forestry uses.

La Chalupa
Optimized project layout to provide to preserve irrigated farming land uses. Over 100 leases and easements with 300+ individuals incorporated into real estate program for the project.

Salt Fork Wind Ranch®
Coordinated design of split ownership substation between transmission company and project. Implemented real time meteorological data into crane lift work using onsite towers.

Palmas Altas Wind Farm
Employed 170 people at the peak of construction – now completed a 10-person operations team will staff the wind farm over its 25-year life span.

Roadrunner Solar
As of February 2020, largest solar facility in Texas. Will generate 60 million in property taxes over the next 30 years.

Spinning Spur Three Wind Ranch®
Powers approx. 58,200 homes. Avoids 560,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. Developed as built records tracking system for client.

Spinning Spur Two Wind Ranch®
Energy for approximately 56,000 households per year. Energy delivered to ERCOT through shared transmission facilities.

Spinning Spur Wind Ranch®
Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected Projects, Selected ProjectsEnergy delivered to SPP through shared transmission facilities.
You can trust us or you can trust our body of work.
We bring hard hats and warm hearts to every project.
It’s our belief that you can do well and do good. We work with land owners and communities to ensure their land is respected and honored while they earn royalties on their properties. And we work with investors, utility companies, and turbine manufacturers to realize their goals.
Learn more about our process here.